Merkez Ofis Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt
2012 yılından beri TÜV Sertifikalı
Sağlık Turizm Acentası
Kuruluş, 2006 Rastatt, Almanya.
BT24 MEDİKAL TURİZM Seyahat Acentası Belge No: 7843
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2012 yılından beri TÜV Sertifikalı
Sağlık Turizm Acentası
Kuruluş, 2006 Rastatt, Almanya.
BT24 MEDİKAL TURİZM Seyahat Acentası Belge No: 7843
Tüv Logo
Merkez Ofis Herrenstraße 14 D-76437 Rastatt

Saç Ekimi – Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

No, only the local anaesthetic injections are painful. Once the local anaesthetic takes effect, the subsequent treatment is completely painless.

This depends on the method used. With the FUT technique a thin scar results, as this is a surgical procedure. This scar is normally only visible when you wear your hair shorter than 0.5 cm. With the FUE technique, it does not matter how long you want to wear your hair in the future, here no scars are visible after the hair transplantation. You can only see tiny white dots at the points of extraction, which are camouflaged by the hair.

The first hairs grow about three months after the hair transplantation. The biggest change will take place after about 5-6 months. 90% of the transplanted hair will have already grown after about 9 months.

Yes. Since it is a surgical hair transplant, the hair grows for life, just like your other hair. You also receive a lifelong guarantee.

No. Just as with organ transplantation, the bodies own self defense system would reject the foreign hair and the hair transplant would be pointless, without any effect.

The clinics chosen by us for your hair transplant are not only ISO 9001: 2008 certified but are also visited regularly by our management team. We only provide you with clinics which we are confident with and those meeting the latest EU standards. We ensure flawless hygiene, precision technology, the use of optimal materials as well as the best operation methods and well-trained specialist doctors.

Anybody who is suffering from “male type” hair loss. Therefore, it is intended for people who are affected by male hormonal changes, resulting in premature hair loss. This may also affect women.

What is important for a hair transplantation is to find out why the premature hair loss has begun. Here age only plays a certain role depending on the context. Observe yourself with the naked eye, to see if your scalp is visible. If this is the case, a hair transplant is the best and most sustainable solution.

People lose hair over the course of a lifetime, due to an excess of male hormones. Hair loss slows down after 40 years of age. Therefore, this has consequences for patients undergoing hair transplants before this age, as they will inevitably require two or three sessions at a later date, since hair loss has not yet been completed before this age.

Such a treatment takes about 6-10 hours. As a rule, you should plan to stay for a minimum of about 3 days for the entire hair transplant. If you want to carry out the transplant discreetly, leaving no traces of the operation, you should allow a period of at least 15 days.

Essentially, the health risks are small, if you are healthy and have not developed any allergies against local anesthetic. Please consult with your GP. To date, no long-term side effects have been detected after the treatment period. With the FUT technique, wound complications may occur, but until now, this has not been observed in our clinic.

Through this technique the resulting appearance can be influenced. This should be discussed with the doctor, as you can control the way in which the hair falls, creating a very natural result.

The FUE technique is currently the latest state of the art technology for hair transplantation. You can of course also combine your FUE hair transplantation with a PRP treatment. After years of research, it has been proven that a hair transplant in combination with a PRP treatment yields better results.

At the moment, for male type hair loss, FUE hair transplantation is the best and most sustainable solution. Of course, further studies on hair simulation are being carried out, as well as continued research in the scientific field – but currently there are no satisfactory results.

As our patient, you can cancel your trip prior to departure at any time. Hereby, you will incur a cancellation fee from Beauty Travels 24 of 150€ for an already planned and fully organized trip.

You also have the opportunity to cancel the trip in Istanbul after the preliminary examination, before you have signed any contracts preventing you from a withdrawal. In this case, you only incur the transfer, consultation – and laboratory costs of 250€. These costs must be covered by the patient themselves in the event of a cancellation.

If you do not go on a booked trip and do not notify us beforehand about your cancellation, you will incur a cancellation fee of 600€.

In the past, we were happy to send you before and after photos, etc. as well as giving you the chance to exchange experiences and views. However, competition laws in accordance with pharmaceutical-advertising laws strictly prohibit the release of references, testimonials or before – after photos. We ask for your understanding.

We understand that your safety is of the upmost importance, which is why our office in Rastatt near Karlsruhe has been open since 2008. We are happy to arrange you a consultation with us in Rastatt, to tell you about the clinic / medical team, we can also show you a few reports and opinions shared by our patients (with their permission).

During the consultation with the plastic surgeon in Istanbul you can also view references.

If you are a member of Facebook, you can look at, there may be comments left by former patients or you can leave a message, asking if anyone would like to report on their experiences.

If you are a member of Facebook or Instagram, you can look at, there may be former patients online who you are willing to share information with you.